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og真人游戏's 自然资源 Department offers various degrees in fields related to natural 资源包括:

  • 自然资源管理
  • 野地火灾管理
  • 野生动物及渔业

Collaboration and partnerships with industry professionals, many of them graduates of our programs, brings real-world learning to the classroom - especially when class 是在河岸上还是在森林里!

保护og真人游戏的自然资源 & Wildland Fire introductory video (below) and learn more about our great Natural Resource's department.



Hear firsthand from students and instructors! (点击下图)自然资源



Choose from a one-year certificate, an Associate of Applied 科学 degree, or an 理学副学士学位. Visit with an advisor to discover the program or degree 这最符合你的目标.

CERT -职业道路证书

This Career Pathway Certificate of Completion prepares students for entry and seasonal level employment with public and private agencies in the area of conservation for both plant and wildlife.

AS -科学副学士

The 环境科学 Degree will be housed in the Ag and 自然资源 Department. This degree will offer students that want to pursue a science-based career within the Ag and 自然资源 Industry. This degree will also effectively transfer to multiple 4 year institutions by allowing students to complete their general education courses in addition to higher level math, lab science and natural resources coursework.

AS -科学副学士

This is an 理学副学士学位 designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. This degree has been specifically addressed with 爱达荷大学, 和爱达荷大学. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both og真人游戏 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early 尽可能 while attending og真人游戏.


Successful completion of this degree program provides students with a broad base of skills related to a career in 自然资源. The 自然资源 Associate of Applied 科学 degree program offers training in the areas of Invasive Species (Noxious Weeds); 范围 Management, 和林业, as well as an introduction to GPS/GIS and Recreation and Wildlife. Successful graduates of this program may secure entry level positions as seasonal, 临时, or permanent employees for state and federal agencies, 或者私营企业. This degree is designed for students wishing to directly enter the workforce. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. Students who wish to transfer coursework are strongly encouraged to work closely with their og真人游戏 advisor to develop a transfer plan and to identify and contact an advisor at their chosen transfer institution. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0门课程才能毕业并获得学位.

自然资源-环境科学 Technician

This certificate allows students to build fundamental knowledge in 自然资源 then customize their own education through three different concentrations. Students can choose from Field Mapping/Cartography and Natural Resource Conservation courses in order to create a customized program based on career goals. Successful graduates of this program may secure entry level positions as seasonal or 临时 employees for state and federal agencies 或者私营企业.

范围 & 森林技术员
CERT -职业道路证书

This Career Pathway Certificate of Completion prepares students for seasonal and entry level employment with public and private agencies as Forest or 范围 technicians.

AS -科学副学士

This is an 理学副学士学位 designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. This degree has been specifically addressed with 爱达荷大学, 和爱达荷大学. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both og真人游戏 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early 尽可能 while attending og真人游戏.


This program prepares students for positions on fire crews including crew boss or member of the heli-tech team, 与土地管理局合作, 美国.S. Forest Service, or other public and private agencies that manage firefighting on public lands. - - This degree is designed for students wishing to directly enter the workforce. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. Students who wish to transfer coursework are strongly encouraged to work closely with their og真人游戏 advisor to develop a transfer plan and to identify and contact an advisor at their chosen transfer institution. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0门课程才能毕业并获得学位.


The Wildland Fire certificate prepares students for entry level seasonal jobs in fire-fighting for the Bureau of Land Management and 美国.S. Forest Service, and other public and private agencies that manage firefighting on public lands. During summer quarter students can incorporate required NATR 280 (Cooperative Work Experience) with the work they are doing in the field. Students should make appropriate arrangements with their program advisor. All courses in this certificate may be transferred into the 自然资源 Wildland Fire Associate of Applied 科学 Degree. 平均成绩不低于2分.获取证书需要输入0.

CERT -职业道路证书

The Wildland Firefighter Technician Career Pathway Certificate of Completion prepares students for seasonal or entry level employment with public and private agencies as fire crew members.

AS -科学副学士

This is an 理学副学士学位 designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. This degree has been specifically articulated with Oregon Institute of Technology, 爱达荷大学, 和爱达荷大学. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both og真人游戏 and your future school. If you are planning on attending another 4-year school, 请务必与学校联系, 在og真人游戏的早期教育项目中, 尽可能.